1:1 Consulting for Holistic Heartache Healing

A INTIMATE Container for Women Wanting to Soothe Their Psychological & Physiological Symptoms of Heartache, more easily & quickly, and come out healthier on the other side.

Before my divorce, I thought I had all the healthy eating stuff ‘figured out’. I knew how to cook countless colorful, nourishing meals, and I knew how to teach others to do this as well.

But it turns out, the same rules don’t apply when your life falls apart...

Faced with rebuilding my entire world after my ex husband and I split, I did tons of research to find suggestions on what to eat during heartbreak. But the problem was–none of it felt realistic. I could tell the recommendations came from a well-intentioned place, but not from a place of recent or severe experience.

When we go through a difficult breakup or divorce, our entire psychological and physiological state can change.

Heartbreak has been likened by some people (e.g. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and David Kessler) to grieving the death of a loved one.

And it's even been compared to addiction withdrawal by the likes of Helen Fisher, Ph.D.
  • Our body can kick into fight or flight mode
  • ​And that stress on our nervous system can release cortisol that disrupts our sleep and appetite
  • Dopamine levels can increase, which induced cravings not just for our ex, but for certain foods, too
  • Our immune system can weaken
  • ​Blood pressure can skyrocket
  • And our heart can temporarily enlarge–truth!
That's why when our entire world gets flipped upside down, traditional ‘wellness’ recommendations are NOT the right fit. 

We need a different kind of protocol–one that takes into account what's actually happening to us mentally and physically.

After experiencing breakups of my own and being unable to find something like this anywhere, I took my almost-decade long track record of food expertise and combined it with cutting-edge research on the brain, nervous and cardiovascular system to create a revolutionary process for soothing the symptoms of heartache, holistically.

I call this the Anti-Inflammatory Heartache Protocol, and inside this coaching container, I'll be introducing you to it...

When You Sign Up to Coach 1:1 With Me, 
You Will Receive:

60-Minute Zoom calls

...during which I will assess you against a set of criteria to pinpoint what stage of heartache healing you are in right now and what you most need to move through it.

A Personalized Anti-Inflammatory Heartache Protocol

...with advice and guidance that’s been tailored to fit you and your needs.

A Bank Of Heartache Recipes

...so you get the nutrition and nourishment you need to support your nervous and cardiovascular systems as you navigate this crossroads in your life.

A Comprehensive Collection Of Mindset Resources

...that have been hand-picked by a 2x award-winning Dr. of Psycholinguistics (trained in 5 modalities of therapy) to help you break through any blocks that are standing in the way of your romantic success.

Complimentary Access To My digital product suite

...including Healing Heartache eBook, the Non-Recipe Recipes eBook and my Compassionate Cooking Method eBook.

We will work together for a minimum of three sessions, after which we will work together to decide the number of sessions that is right for you.

But The Coaching Container Isn't For Everyone...

This is for...

  • Women going through a breakup who feel mentally and physically depleted, are struggling with their sleep, are experiencing changes in their appetite, and feel lost/out of control.
  • Women who feel ready to move forward, and are not actively trying to get back together with an ex (we can work through some speed bumps together!)
  • Women who may feel the urge to go on a 'revenge body' diet, binge on fast food, drink, date, etc. but KNOW deep down this isn’t the right path to take. 
  • ​Women who don’t know what they should be doing instead, but trust that I can show it to them through my decade of food expertise and experience creating my Anti-Inflammatory Heartache protocol for myself successfully.
  • Women who want to come out of their breakup feeling happier, healthier, fitter and stronger than ever before (yes, even before or during their relationship).
  • ​Women who want a customized wellness plan for their particular set of circumstances, AND who are willing to take ownership of picking and choosing what works for them.
  • ​Women who are willing to enter into a completely different paradigm of thinking about what healing and health means when it comes to an aching heart.

But this is NOT for...

  • Women who are still looking for ways to get back together with their ex (again, it is ok to miss them, but this protocol is specific to the process of actively moving forward).
  • ​Women who are struggling with severe mental or physical health problems (including addiction).
  • ​Women who are struggling with an eating disorder or many years of disordered eating.
  • ​Women who are in a new relationship or dating while still grieving an ex.
  • ​Women who want to be told exactly what to eat and when. There is healing power in autonomy and agency. 
  • ​Women who want a quick-fix solution and would rather keep repeating an unhealthy cycle than show up with an open-mind, ready and willing to do the necessary work.
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